ARCHITONE, a supplier of fiber cement panels, primarily caters to architectural firms. These modern materials offer exceptional versatility in facade design, providing a wide array of options in shape, size, cut, and finishing techniques. These characteristics give each building unique features and serve as excellent tools for architects’ creativity and developers’ investments.

Objective: Develop a distinct brand identity and positioning that resonates within the architecture industry.
Approach: The brand philosophy we adopted is “For people who care about design, authenticity, sustainability”. The central idea is based on the concept of limitless design possibilities. One of the key metaphors we embraced is music (scores), which embodies this concept. The primary graphic techniques employed were dynamic, transforming lines and layouts.
“Our rebranding has deepened our connection with architects, enabling us to speak their language and stand out as a production company that prioritizes client experience, unlike our competitors” — Pavel Gusev, CEO at ARCHITONE.

Vasilii Podriadchikov (art direction)
Alex Bazan (brand/digital design & management)
Alexandra Korbankova (brand design)
Alex Kovalevsky (3d artist)
Stas Mishin (front-end, back-end)
ARCITONE is a brand that supplies fiber cement panels, primarily targeting architectural firms. The task was to create an identity and positioning for the brand.
The central idea of the brand is based on the concept of limitless possibilities in design. One of the key metaphors became music (scores), embodying this concept. Hence, the primary graphic techniques employed were dynamic, transforming lines and layout. Thanks to this new visual style, the brand distinguished itself in the market among competitors and gained significant recognition among architectural bureaus.
Vasilii Podriadchikov (art direction)
Alex Bazan (brand/digital design & management)
Alexandra Korbankova (brand design)
Alex Kovalevsky (3d artist)
Stas Mishin (front-end, back-end)